Date: 4th January, 2016
Dear Sir,
Sub.: Proposal for Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Registrations:
AMF (Asset Management Fund)
This is with reference to compliance under / work related to the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Authority.
A) Documents required from applicant seeking SEBI certificate and Registration of Asset Management Fund:
An indicative list of documents/information to be furnished along with the application. All
documents/information is to be submitted in duplicate.
1. Memorandum of Association
2. Articles of Association
3. Certificate of Incorporation
4. Balance Sheets (Previous 3 years) with Auditors’ Reports
5. KYC details of Promoters
6. CIBIL Reports of Promoters and Directors
7. Organization Structure
8. Details of Shareholder and Directors
9. Next five years business plans
10. Financial Information
11. Profile of all promoters (Like resume)
12. Duly filed form A
13. In case of an Authorized signatory, please submit an authorization letter from the Directors/Trustees/Designated Partners of the Fund
B) Points to be consider:
No leverage or borrowing is permitted for category I & II AIFs except for meeting temporary funding requirements;
Vehicles which can be used as AIF include LLP, company, trust or body corporate;
Exhaustive private placement memorandum to be filed with SEBI before launch of any scheme and any comments of SEBI thereon have to be incorporated;
Investment criteria in the AIFs:
minimum contribution per investor = Rs. 1 crore;
minimum corpus of a scheme = Rs. 20 crores;
maximum number of investors in a scheme = 1000;
mode of fund raising = only by way of private placement.
• Un-invested portion of the corpus of AIFs can be invested in liquid mutual funds or bank deposits or other liquid assets of higher quality such as treasury bills, CBLOs, commercial papers, certificates of deposits, etc.;
• Concept of ‘Fund of Funds’ is being recognized. However, no AIF is allowed to invest in the units of Fund of Funds
C) Place of rendering Services:
The place of rendering services generally shall be our office situated at 496/B, Om Apartments, Kasba Peth, Near KCC Classes, Pune 411 011.
D) Post Registration formalities Required:
Post- Registration compliance
1. Once registered, the AIF must comply with the reporting requirements as specified by SEBI from time to time.
2. The AIF must regularly check the SEBI website for any updation/ circulars/ guidelines issued from SEBI from time to time with respect to the AIF activity.
3. The AIF must intimate to SEBI any material change in the details already furnished to SEBI within a reasonable period of time
E) Professional Fees:
We are pleased to inform you that the standard professional charges/fees for
SEBI compliances will be as mentioned below:
Sr No Particular Fees Reference
1 Non Refundable fees by way of demand draft application fees INR 1,00,000/- Securities and Exchange Board of India’, payable at Mumbai
2 Registration Fees INR 50,00,000/-
For reregistration INR 1,00,000/- Fees in advance to be given to SEBI
3 Out of pocket expenses At actuals if any
Kindly sign a copy of the letter/ or mail me at in token of approval or you may issue separate letter accepting terms and condition of this letter.
Thanking you and assuring best professional services;
Yours faithfully
Pramodkumar R. Ladda
Company Secretary
We accept the above terms and conditions and authorize you to submit returns and documents with the government authorities on our behalf and also pay requisite filing and other fees and charges on our behalf.
Thanks & with warm regards !
For, CS Pramodkumar R. Ladda
Company Secretary
Land line No. 020-24570055
Office Cell Nos: 9404923393, 8624919609, 9175395604
Personal Cell No. 9922735476 / 9595271145
Skype id: pramodladda
Office: 2nd Floor, OM Apartment, SR. No. 496/B, Near KCC Classes,
Opp. R. M. Kabara Electronics & RaleEstate, Kasba Peth, Pune 411011
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