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Brief Details of Diesel Tank License PESO Approvals

Dear Sir,

With reference to above mentioned subject brief note is as below:

Prior approval of specifications and plans of premises proposed to be licensed.

(1) Every person desiring to obtain a license to import and store petroleum in Form XIV, Form XV, Form XVI or in Special Form, as the case may be, shall submit to the licensing authority an application along with.-
(a) specification and plans drawn to scale, in duplicate, clearly indicating.-
(i) The manner in which the provisions prescribed in these rules will be complied with;
(ii) The premises proposed to be licensed, the area of which shall be distinctly coloured or otherwise marked.
(iii) The surroundings and all protected works lying within 100 meters of the edge of all facilities which are proposed to be licensed;
(iv) The position, capacity, materials of construction and ground and elevation view of all storage tanks, enclosures around tanks, all valves, filling and discharge points, vent pipes, dip pipes, storage and filling sheds, pumps, fire-fighting and all other building and facilities forming part of the premises proposed to be licensed;
(v) The areas reserved for different class of petroleum including petroleum exempted under section 11 of the Act; and
(b) a scrutiny fee of rupees four hundred paid in the manner specified in Rule 13.
(2) If the Chief Controller, after scrutiny of the specification and plans and after making such enquiries as he deems fit, is satisfied that petroleum may be stored in the premises proposed to be licensed, he shall return to the applicant one copy each of the specifications and plans signed by him conveying his sanction subject to such conditions as he may specify.
Rule 126. Testing of tanks.
(1) Storage tanks or other receptacles for the storage of petroleum-in bulk, other than well-head tanks, after being installed and secured in the final position or after undergoing re-installation or any major repair, shall, before being put into use, be tested by water pressure by a competent person.
(2) The water used for testing shall be free from petroleum and shall not be passed through any pipe or pump ordinarily used for the conveyance of petroleum: Provided that where the licensing authority is satisfied that it is not reasonably possible to convey water by pipes or pumps other than those ordinarily used for conveyance of petroleum, he may permit use of a petroleum pipe or pump for the conveyance of water subject to such conditions as he may impose.
(3) The competent person carrying out the test as required under sub-rules (1) shall issue a certificate in the proforma given below; the certificate so issued shall be submitted to the licensing authority along with the application for the grant or amendment of a license, or, in the case of any major repair, after each repair.

Proforma of Certificate of Tank Testing
[See Rule 126]

In respect of ………………………of size………………………………….………. (Number of tanks) (Diameter and height or length of each tank)………………… ……………… and capacity …………………………………. respectively, installed within the installation service station of ……………………………… (Delete words not applicable) (Full name of occupier of installation/service station as the case may be) …………………………………. at……… …… ……………… (Name of place, police station, District State) covered by licneceNo. …………………………………. (To be filled in the case of amendment of licence or repair of tank) Certified that I have in accordance with rule 126 of the Petroleum Rules, 2002, tested the tanks described above by water pressure after they had been installed and secured in the final position/repaired and found them free from leak and suitable for the storage of Petroleum (delete words not applicable) Date of test Full signature of the competent person issuing the certificate …..………………………… His recognized qualification……………………. His full name and postal address ……..……………………

Rule 130. Certificate of safety.

A certificate of safety in the proforma given below this rule and signed by a competent person shall be furnished to the licensing authority before any petroleum is stored in an installation or a service station for the first time or whenever any additions or alterations to the enclosure walls and embankments are carried out or when any tank is installed or its position shifted.

Proforma of Certificate of Safety
[See Rule 130]

I ………………………………, hereby certify that I have inspected the petroleum service station/installation described below on … …(date) and it has been constructed as per plan approved by Chief Controller/Controller, vide letter No. …… dated …………… and the service station/installation, in my opinion is safe for storage of petroleum.
1. Name & Address of occupier ………………………………………..
2. Location of the service station/installation ………………………………… (Plot No. , Village/Town, District, State)
3. Description of facilities of the service station/installation.

(A) Tanks:-

(i) Aboveground tanks:-
(a) Identification No., size, capacity, product, class of petroleum
(b) Whether enclosure walls provided –if so, nature of enclosure walls its capacity, provision of drain pipe and valve
(c) Nature and description of fittings provided.

(ii) Underground tanks:-

(a) identification No., size, capacity, product, class of petroleum
(b) Nature of pit, soil cover, fastening arrangement
(c) Nature of top cover (whether soil/RCC)
(d) Nature and description of fittings provided.

(B) Filling /storage shed:-

Whether provided as per approved plan :

(C) Tank lorry and/or Tank wagon loading/unloading:-

(i) Number of bays and points provided
(ii) Type of loading & unloading facilities

(D) Pipelines:-

(i) Size and specification of pipeline(s)
(ii) Test pressure of pipeline …………….. kg/cm2 (Tested by ………………………..on

(E) Electrical fittings/ equipment’s:-

(i) Pumps (specification, make and CCE approval reference for each)
(ii) Starters
(iii) Junction Box
(iv) Switches
(v) Light fittings
(vi) Others

(F) Earthling, bonding and electrical continuity:-

(i) Earthling of tanks, pumps, bulk loading/unloading facilities
(ii) Bonding of pipeline joints
(iii) Earthling resistance at each point

(G) Nature of Fencing/boundary wall:-

(H) Description of fire fighting facilities provided:-

4. Remarks:


Signature of the competent person

Particulars of recognition by Chief Controller (2)

(i) Anybody intending to be recognized as competent person shall possess the qualification and experience prescribed in para
(A) of Form- XX and shall submit to the Chief Controller an application in the form prescribed in para
(B) of the same form. Every application shall be accompanied by a scrutiny fee of rupees five hundred. The Chief Controller shall register such application and within a period of sixty days of the date of receipt of the application, and after having satisfied himself with regard to competence and professional ethics either recognize the applicant as a competent person or reject the application specifying the reason therefor.
(ii) The Chief Controller may after giving an opportunity to such person to be heard revoke the recognition-
(a) if he has reason to believe that such person has violated any condition stipulated in the letter of recognition or has not carried out a test, examination and inspection or has acted, in a manner inconsistent with the intent for the purpose of these rules: or
(b) for any other reason to be recovered in writing.

Grant of license.
Licenses under these rules may be granted by the licensing authorities set forth in the First Schedule in the forms specified for the purpose and on payment of a fee specified therein.
Period for which licenses may be granted or renewed. –
(1) A Licence in Form III or Form XVII may be granted for such period as the licensing authority may deem necessary subject to a maximum of one year.
(2) Every other license granted or renewed under these rules will remain in force until the 31st day of December of the year up to which the license is granted or renewed subject to a maximum of three years.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub rule (1) or sub-rule (2), the licensing authority where it is satisfied that a license is required for a specific work or festival which is not likely to last up to the 31st day of December of the year up to which the license is grant or renew a license for such period as is actually necessary.
Application for license. –
(1) A person wishing to obtain or renew a license under these rules shall submit an application in writing to the authority empowered to grant such a license.
(2) An application for the grant of a license to transport petroleum in bulk by road in mechanically propelled vehicles shall be in Form VII and to transport petroleum class A/B in bulk on land for onsite fuelling of aircraft’s, heavy vehicles/machineries and stationary equipment by a mechanically propelled vehicle viz. Refueller shall be in Form VIII. An application for license to import and store petroleum shall be in Form IX and to decant kerosene (petroleum class B) from mechanically propelled vehicles containers shall be in Form X.
No-objection certificate. –
(1) Where the licensing authority is the Chief Controller or the Controller, as the case may be, an applicant for a new license other than a license in Forms III, XI, XVII, XVIII, or XIX shall apply to the District Authority with two copies of the site-plan showing the location of the premises proposed to be licensed for a certificate to the effect that there is no objection, to the applicant receiving a license for the site proposed and the District Authority shall, if he sees no objection, grant such certificate to the applicant who shall forward it to the licensing authority with his application Form IX.
(2) Every certificate issued by the District Authority under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by a copy of the plan of the proposed site duly endorsed by him under his official seal.
(3) The Chief Controller or the Controller as the case may be, may refer an application not accompanied by certificate granted under sub-rule (1) to the District Authority for his observations.
(4) If the District Authority, either on a reference being made to him or otherwise, intimates to the Chief Controller or the Controller as the case may be, that any license which has been applied for should not, in his opinion, be granted, such license shall not be issued without the sanction of the Central Government.
(5) The District Authority shall complete his inquiry for issuing NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (NOC) under sub-rule (1) and shall complete the action for issue or refusal of the NOC, as the case may be, as expeditiously as possible as but not later than three months from the date of receipt of application by him.
A) Scope of Work:
Assignment with respect to do liasoning and followups with
a) Department of Traffic
b) Department of Law and Order
c) Department of Commissioner of police
Particulars of license:
(1) Every license granted under these rules shall be held subject to the conditions specified therein and shall contain all the particulars which are contained in the Form specified under these rules.
(2) One copy of the plan or plans for the licensed premises signed in token of approval by the licensing authority shall be attached to the license which shall form part 81 of such license, and an identical copy shall be filed for record in the office of the licensing authority, except in the case of license in Form XVIII.

B) Place of rendering Services:
The place of rendering services generally shall be our office situated at 496/B, Om Apartments, KasbaPeth, Near KCC Classes, Pune 411 011.

Kindly take a note that above mentioned proposal is for Diesel Tank of upto 30,000 Liter approval. Peso will not issue approval for 2,10,000 at a glance.

In case of any explanation /information needed, please feel free to contact us.
Any out of pocket expenses at actual.
In case of any explanation /information needed, please feel free to contact us.
Thanking you and assuring best professional services.

Pramodkumar R. Ladda
Company Secretary
Tel: +91-20-24570055 | Office Cell : +91- 9404923393, 8624919609, 9175395604 |
Personal Mob. : +91- 9922735476, 9595271145 | Skype id: pramodladda
Ladda Bhutada & Associates : 2nd Floor, OM Apartment, SR No. 496/B, KCC Classes Lane,
Opp. R. M. Kabara Electricals & Rale Estate, Kasba Peth, Pune – 411011 Maharashtra, India.
info@csladda.com | http;//www.csladda.com

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