Multi state cooperative societies are of several types-
- Multi State Solar Co-operative Society
- Farming Co-operative Society
- Credit Co-operative Society
- Agriculture Cooperative Society
- Real Estate Cooperative Society
- Dairy Firm Cooperative Society
- Transport Cooperative Society and many more
CS Ladda Bhutada & Associates has a team of well qualified professionals who understand your needs and will prepare your bye laws as per your requirements and specific objectives of your multi State Co-operative Society.
Brief procedure involved in incorporation of Multistate Co-operative Society Preliminary requirements:
- For the purposes of registration of a multi-state cooperative society under this Act, an application shall be made to the Central Registrar in such form and with such particulars as may be prescribed.
- The application shall be signed
- in the case of a multi-state cooperative society of which all the members are individuals, by at least fifty persons from each of the state concerned;
- in the case of a multi-state cooperative society of which the members are cooperative societies, by duly authorized representatives on behalf of at least five such societies as are not registered in the same state; and
- in the case of a multi-state cooperative society of which another multi-state co-operative society and other cooperative societies are members, by duly authorized representatives of each of such societies: Provided that not less than two of the cooperative societies referred to in this clause, shall be such as are not registered in the same state;
- in the case of a multi-state cooperative society of which the members are cooperative societies or multi-state cooperative societies and individuals, by at least
- Hundred persons, being individuals, from each of the two states or more; and
- one cooperative society each from two states or more or one multi-state cooperative society.
- The application shall be accompanied by four copies of the 12 proposed bye-laws of the multi-state cooperative society and the persons by whom or on whose behalf such application is made shall furnish such information.
- Proof of Address of Fifty One members from each state.
- Open a Bank account and deposit Share money plus admission fee collected from members.
- Two Rubber stamp i.e. One Seal and second of Chief Promoter.
- Rent Agreement if available.
- List of members duly signed by members.
- Name and address of Chief Promoter.
- Name of Board of Directors.
- Each documents signed by Chief Promoter.
- NOC from concerned state Cooperative Registrar.
Note: – Other formalities, requirements, documentation and information will be prepared by us.
- Information of 100 members from each state with 2 states minimum. Kindly see enclosure Form -1 and fill up their details.
Form -1 you can take its separate printouts but please keep the sets of different states separate.
You can keep more number of states as well but each additional state requires a minimum of 100 members from that state.
- Names of all the members with their signatures. Kindly see the enclosed Form-2 You can take its separate printouts. Please do not write the serial number in this.
- Proposed name of your multi state cooperative society.
- Your area of operation: Mention the names of the states where you want to work.
- A certificate from the bank stating credit balance there in favor of the proposed multi-state co-operative society.
- Passport size photograph of member
- Self-Attested Address proof
- Self-Attested Pan Card
- Education Proof
All the members must be more than 18 years of age.
You require providing the details of minimum 100 members with their signatures and their information as mentioned. Minimum requirement is at least 100 members from each state with 2 states.
Scope of services:
Our Scope of Services will include:
- Bye laws, submission of documents to the Central Registrar
- Follow up till registration
- Attending Hearing on behalf of the Company
Sr No | Particular | Fees INR |
Package for Multi State Credit Cooperative Society registration | Shall be discuss in a Meeting |
Out of pocket expenses shall be at actuals.
- Assigner shall nominate specific person(s) for co-ordination and shall provide relevant data support in concern assignment Mr. Pramodkumar Ladda and Mr. Aadarsh Singh will be assigned person.
- All the payments should be made in the name of “Ladda Bhutada & Associates”.
- GST will be added separately additionally @18% on above mentioned fees.
- All the disputes shall be subject to Pune Jurisdiction.
- Termination of this contract requires 30 days’ notice.
- Payment Terms- 50% advance along with Work Order, 50% after submission of Application for approval.
- GST- Extra as Applicable.
We hope the above is in line with your requirements. Hoping for favorable response from your end.
Place of rendering Services:
The place of rendering services generally shall be our office situated at Off No. 106, B – Wing , Sr. No. 55, Sukhniwas, Mangalwar Peth, Pune-411011, Maharashtra, India.
Contact Details
Mobile: No: 9309845448, 9284293227, 8080051671
Company Secretary