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Note: Insurance Corporate Agent License in India


A corporate agent is usually an organization or company that represents the interests of an insurance company. Therefore, a corporate agent acts in the best interest of the insurance company. A corporate agent must adhere to and follow several guidelines.

A corporate agent must obtain a corporate agency license to operate on behalf of the insurance company. When a company sells vehicle insurance on behalf of an insurance organization, it is a corporate agent for the organization.

Companies, as well as banks, can obtain a Corporate Agency License. Therefore, when a bank gets this license, such a bank would be representing the interest of the insurance organization. Financial institutions offer insurance packages to customers based on their requirements.


A Corporate Agency License is essential for ensuring legal adherence, establishing trustworthiness, and safeguarding consumer well-being. It allows businesses to provide various insurance options, improves market reach, and generates additional sources of income.

Here we have discussed the importance of a corporate agency in obtaining licenses such as:

  • Representation of Agency: The corporate agency license guarantees that the entity has the necessary authorization to represent the insurance business or businesses.

This official authorization creates a legal structure allowing the company representative to participate in insurance-related activities.

  • Product Solicitation: The license allows corporate agents to promote insurance products for insurance companies and enables them to reach a wider range of customers.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Corporate agent licenses serve as a regulatory tool to guarantee adequate supervision and authority in the insurance industry. It aids in preventing misconduct and false actions, thus protecting the interests of insurers and policyholders.
  • Market Accessibility: By obtaining a corporate agency license, a company can offer clients a wide selection of insurance products from various insurers, offering improved coverage options. Insurance companies are inclined to collaborate with licensed agencies to increase business opportunities and extend market reach.



There are several benefits of obtaining a Corporate Agent License, including:

  • Increased revenue: A firm that obtains a Corporate Agent License can earn revenue by selling insurance products to customers. The firm earns a commission from the insurance company for each policy sold.


  • Diversification of services:A firm can diversify its services by offering insurance products in addition to its existing products or services. This helps the firm to attract new customers and retain existing ones.


  • Credibility and trust:A firm that holds a Corporate Agent License is considered to be more credible and trustworthy by customers. This helps the firm to build a positive reputation in the market.


  • Knowledge and expertise:A firm that undergoes the training and examination required for obtaining a Corporate Agent License gains knowledge and expertise in the field of insurance. This helps the firm to provide better advice and services to its customers.


  • Competitive advantage: By obtaining a Corporate Agent License, a firm gains a competitive advantage over other firms that do not hold a license. This can help the firm to increase its market share and profitability.



To acquire a corporate agent license, a company needs to be officially registered and have a specified chief officer who meets the necessary qualifications. The company needs to hire skilled staff with necessary certifications, keep strong financial standing, and show adherence to training and operational regulations.

The following criteria would apply to secure a corporate agent license:

  • Minimum Capital Requirements: An applicant with an insurance distribution business must have equity capital or contribution and a net worth of Rs. 50 Lakhs. The company must maintain this net worth requirement at all times.
  • Applicant: To be registered as a Corporate Agent, the applicant must be the following:
  • company registration under the Companies Act, 2013 or the company law; or
  • Limited Liability Partnership under the LLP Act, 2008; or
  • A Co-operative Society registered under the Co-operative Societies Act; or
  • A banking company; or
  • A corresponding new bank under the Banking Companies Act, of 1949; or
  • A regional rural bank established under the Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976; or
  • A non-governmental organization or a micro-lending finance organization covered under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912 or a Non-Banking Financial Company registered with the Reserve Bank of India; or
  • Any other person may be recognized by the Authority to act as a corporate agent.


  • Other Criteria:

For the corporate agency license, the applicant must also satisfy other criteria prescribed as per the regulations:

  • The applicant should not be disqualified under any law in force.
  • The applicant requires adequate office space, equipment, and a trained workforce to discharge its activities effectively.
  • According to the requirements of the Authority, the Principal Officer must be a graduate and pass the exam with the approved syllabus at the end of the training (a minimum of 50 hours of practical training for life, general, and health insurance, and 75 hours of training for composite insurance).
  • The principal officer and the employees must not have violated the code of conduct which is prescribed by the Authority for securing the corporate agency license. This must be during the last three years.
  • If the applicant has a business that is not related to insurance, then it must maintain an arm’s length relationship between the financial matters of the other business and the corporate agency business.
  • The key management personnel must satisfy the FIT and PROPER criteria.



One by one the documents required to obtain a corporate agent License are discussed below such as:

  • Submission of relevant information as required in the FORM-A.
  • Submission of charter documents of the applicant (Certificate of Incorporation, MoA & AoA details)
  • Declaration of Fit & Proper Criteria from the Principal Officer.
  • Declaration of Fit & Proper Criteria from Directors & Partners.
  • Details of infrastructure, supporting evidence thereof like ownership & etc.
  • Any other requirements as deemed necessary by the Authority.
  • Net worth certificates certified by CA.
  • Audited Financial Statements for the last three years
  • Board Approved Policy (The Policy shall include the approach to be followed by the corporate agent in having single or multiple tie-ups, the partners in the tie-ups, the business mix, the type of products sold, grievance redressal mechanism (Refer Reg. 14 (iv) of CA Regulations, 2015) and reporting requirements etc.)
  • Code of conduct undertaking
  • In-principal agreements with insurers / Consent and in-principle agreement copies received from insurers
  • Documents in support of infrastructure (lease agreements / ownership documents, equipment, manpower etc.)
  • Business Plan and business Strategy to be followed by the entity in procurement of insurance business.

In general, national or state insurance regulatory authorities oversee these licenses. We will now describe a typical procedure that is usually adhered to.

We have laid down the process to apply for the corporate agency license for your better insight:

  1. Application Submission
  • The application has to be presented before the authority to grant a corporate agency license in the following ways:
  • The application has to be made by entities whose principal business is not the distribution of insurance products, and insurance distribution is a subsidiary activity of the company.
  • The application for a corporate agency license must be made in Form A of Schedule –I.
  • A fee of Rs. 10,000/- plus taxes must be paid through an Account Payee draft in favor of IRDAI payable at Hyderabad.
  • The fees can also be made through electronic transfer.
  • The application for granting the corporate agent license will be rejected if it does not confirm the requirements.
  • The Authority may request from the applicant further information and documents.
  1. Category Selection: The application has to be made under one of the categories such as corporate agent for life insurance, corporate agent for general insurance, corporate agent for health insurance, and corporate agent for composite insurance.
  2. Eligibility Check: The applicant needs to check that his application falls under the specified eligibility criteria for filing a detailed informative document as per the eligibility criteria for the selected category.
  3. Registration Fee: Upon receipt of communication for grant of registration from the Authority, the applicant shall pay a fee of Rs. 25,000 plus applicable taxes, within 15 days of receipt of such communication.
  4. Issuance of Certificate: If the Authority is satisfied with the application, then the certificate will be issued in Form- B. The Authority would also have to send intimation to the applicant regarding the category in which the applicant has been granted registration.

The fee structure for a corporate agency license includes government (plus taxes) fees as well as professional charges to be paid through the account payee draft in the name or Favor of IRDAI, Maharashtra.

The fees required for obtaining a corporate agency license comprise the following necessary charges prescribed by the IRDAI.

  • Government fees for processing the registration application is Rs. 10,000;
  • The government registration fee is Rs. 25,000


  • A time frame of approx. 2 to 6 months is required for obtaining a corporate agency license in India.

We assure for best services from our side for your satisfaction.

Thanking you and assuring best professional services.


CS Pramodkumar R. Ladda
Company Secretary & Insolvency Professional
Tel: +91-20-24570055 | Office Cell: +91- 9404923393, 8624919609, 9175395604 |
Personal Mob.: +91- 9922735476, 9595271145 | Skype id: pramodladda
Ladda Bhutada & Associates I Company Secretaries

Address: Office No. 106, B- Wing, Sr No. 55, Sukhniwas, 15th August Chowk,

Mangalwar Peth, Pune – 411011, Maharashtra, India.

laddacs@gmail.com | http;//www.csladda.com

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