An organization having a definite cultural, economic, educational, religious or social programme shall accept foreign contribution, only after such organization obtains a certificate of registration from the Central Government.
Any person, if it is not registered with the Central Government, can accept foreign contribution only after obtaining the prior permission of the Central Government and such prior permission shall be valid for the specific purpose for which it is obtained and from the specific source.
If the person referred as above has been found guilty of violation of any of the provisions of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976, the unutilized or unreceived amount of foreign contribution shall not be utilized or received, as the case may be, without the prior approval of the Central Government.
The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify—
- The person or class of persons who shall obtain its prior permission before accepting the foreign contribution; or
- the area or areas in which the foreign contribution shall be accepted and utilized with the prior permission of the Central Government; or
- the purpose or purposes for which the foreign contribution shall be utilized with the prior permission of the Central Government; or
- the source or sources from which the foreign contribution shall be accepted with the prior permission of the Central Government
Any association registered with the Central Government or granted prior permission under that section of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976, as it stood immediately.
Before the commencement of this Act, shall be deemed to have been registered or granted prior permission, as the case may be, under this Act and such registration shall be valid for a period of five years from the date on which this section comes into force.
An application for registration of an organization for acceptance of foreign contribution shall be made electronically on-line in Form FC-3, and shall be followed by forwarding the hard copy of the on-line application duly signed by the Chief Functionary of the association together with the required documents:
- Form FC-3 duly filled in triplicate.
- Audited statement of accounts of past three years.
- Annual Report specifying activities of past three years.
- If the association is a registered Trust or Society a certified copy of the registration certificate.
- Copy of the Memorandum of Association and/or the Articles of Association as applicable.
- List of Main objects and definite programmes for which the contribution is to be accepted / utilized.
- Details of names and addresses of the members of the Executive Committee/Governing Council etc. of the Association.
- Copy of any prior permission granted to the organization.
- Copy of resolution of Governing Body of the organization, authorizing the registration under FCRA.
- Copy of Power of Attorney or the resolution of Governing Body by which the Chief Functionary is authorized to submit FC-3.
- List of present members of the Governing Body of the organization and the office bearers.
- Copy of any Journal or other publication of the organization.
- If the association is having any parent or sister or subsidiary organization which is registered under the FCRA then the registration number along with Ministry of Home Affairs file number should be mentioned.
- If the association has submitted any application earlier then its reference number should be mentioned.
- If the association has received any foreign contribution with or without the prior approval of the Central Government, then the detail should be given.
- Details of Bank along through which the foreign contribution shall be received.
- A recommendation certificate from any competent authority.
- Copy of certificates of exemption or registration issued by the Income Tax Department u/s80G and 12A.
The hard copy of the on-line application shall reach the Central Government within thirty days of the submission of the on-line application, failing which the request of the organization shall be deemed to have ceased.
Any organization whose request has ceased may make a fresh on-line application with the Central Government only after six months from the date of cessation of the previous application.
An organization seeking registration shall be required to open an exclusive bank account to receive the foreign contribution.
After making inquiry, the Central Government may register such organization and grant him a certificate, ordinarily within ninety days from the date of receipt of application.
In case the Central Government does not grant, within the said period of ninety days, a certificate, it shall communicate the reasons there for to the applicant.
Every certificate of registration granted to an organization under the Act shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of its issue.
No organization shall make a second application for registration within a period of six months after submitting an application for the grant of registration for the same project.
The place of rendering services generally shall be our office situated at Office No. 106, Sr No. 55, Sukhniwas, 15th August Chowk, Mangalwar Peth, Pune – 411011, Maharashtra, India.
Professional fees for the assignment will be as follows:
Sr. No. | Particulars | Amount (In INR) |
1. | Professional Fees | Shall be Discuss in Meeting |
**Plus GST @ 18% applicable
**Government fees & Out of Pocket Expenses will be at actual.
- Assigner shall nominate specific person(s) for co-ordination and shall provide relevant data support in concern assignment Mr. Pramod Ladda will be assigned person.
- All the payments should be made in the name of “Ladda Bhutada & Associates”.
- All the disputes shall be subject to Pune Jurisdiction.
- Termination of this contract requires 30 days’ notice.
- GST applicable @18% separately.
- Government Fees and out of pocket expenses will be reimburse at actual.
We assure for best services from our side for your satisfaction.
Thanking you and assuring best professional services.
Pramodkumar R. Ladda
Company Secretary, Insolvency professional